Purim is the best time to purify your soul

Purim is the best time to purify your soul of sadness and depression and turn all your troubles into joy and a good and healthy life in body and mind mind and every form of energy that surrounds you.

Do you want to win the miracle of Purim? Do you want to purify your soul? You want to forget the troubles and bring the joy back to your life? This is a holiday of purity, Please note – these are the same words!

What should I do to get it?

To win this special joy, You have to give gifts to the needy, And parcel delivery to friends and relatives, And rejoice in wine and eating on Purim.

And of course read and learn about the miracle story of – Queen Esthe! Please, make a nice contribution to the poor of Jerusalem, ha-ssidim of Rabbi Nachman of Breslav,Paypal.com-Donate

And they and the rabbis of the yeshiva – we will pray with you on this holy day, For your joy and success!! Donate Now For – Gift For The Poor of Jerusalem Paypal.com-Donate

Purim costumes and Purim Observances. By breslevmeir western wall yeshiva.

As Purim is one of the joyous holidays, it is fun and a day full of feasting both at home and in the synagogue. You can send gifts and share meals together to mark the day. Moreover, you can opt to visit Israel with your friends to share and spread the joy of Purim and of course without forgetting to send them a unique card.

Purim costumes and Observances

There are four observances that a required of every Jew on Purim. However, there are also many other customs that have become part of everyone's celebration of the day too!

The four required obsevances are:

1) To Hear of Megillah.

Megillah is a parchment scroll that contains the story of Purim in Hebrew. It is read aloud in synagogue on the night of Purim and in the day time. It is required to hear the Megillah read twice during the holiday: once at night and once during the day. The reading is often followed by community Purim parties and meals.

2) Giving money to the poor.

Jewish people are obligated to give charity to two poor people, or their synagogues may collect the charity and distribute it on their behalf.

3) Sending Gifts of Food to Friends and Family

On Purim we emphasize the need for Jewish unity and friendship, by sending gifts of food to our friends and family. The Jews are required to send at least two kinds of ready-to-eat foods to at least two people, though the packages may be more elaborate if desired.

4) Eat, Drink and Be Merry

Purim must also be celebrated with a special festive meal on Purim Day before sundown. Drinking wine or other inebriating drinks at this meal is encouraged to enhance the celebration.

Other Purim Customs

1) Costumes

A time-honored porim custom is for children and adults to wear costumes. Many people enjoy dressing as the characters from the porim story, but just about any costume will do!

2) Hamentashen:

Hamentashen in the food that is most associated with porim. It is a three-cornered cookie that is traditionally filled with a poppy seed filling or some kind of jam. It is yet another allusion to the hidden nature of the Purim miracle. It is also said that Hamentashen resemble Haman's three-pointed hat or his triangular ears.

3) MerryMaking:

Purim is an holiday where much celebration is encouraged. For example, during service, when the reader of the Megillah mentions Haman, the congregation may make noises — hissing, stamping, and rattling…

The Book of Esther, we read that happy purim is a period for "devouring and fun," and additionally to send "endowments to each other and presents to poor people" (Esther 9:22).

Notwithstanding perusing the M'gillah (Book of Esther), celebrants dress in outfits, host happy gatherings, perform "Purim-spiels," senseless showy adjustments of the account of the M'gillah, send wicker bin of sustenance (mishloach manot) to companions, and offer endowments to poor people (matanot l'evyonim).

You will help us to help the poor of Jerusalem by generously giving "Purim gifts" to the needy, to make families and children happy.

And we and the rabbi of Purim will rejoice with you, in prayers and blessings for the joy of Purim and salvation that will fulfill your wishes.

Send names to the greeting and we will send you a link to donate.

Donate Now – Gift For The Jerusalem Poor

Donate 36 $ – For a meal for one poor – on Purim
Donors will receive a blessing and prayer by the poor.

Donate 180 $ – A meal for a whole family – including costumes + holiday candy and cash for the poor.
Donors will receive a blessing and prayer from the families and rabbis of the yeshiva on Purim's Happy Day.

Donate 500 $ You give = A meal for an entire family + including costumes + holiday candy + cash for the poor. _ Donors will receive  = a blessing and prayer from the families and rabbis of the yeshiva on Purim Day + Pidyon Nefesh + Evil Eye Removal

Donate Now For – Gift For The Poor of Jerusalem

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