Pidyon Nefesh 45$ for A person
Pidyon Nefesh prayer - redemption of the soul - By Rebbe Nachman of Breslev

Pidyon Nefesh prayer is redemption of the soul. Through giving a pidyon nefesh, it is possible redeem a person from any trouble and distresso .exchange suffering to atone for his sins. Through the giving for a pidyon prayer to a rabbe, it is possible to exchange one’s suffering on to the redemption money you doante to the poors and needis.
pidyon nefesh
The word pidyon is usually translated as “redemption,” referring to an exchange, whereby one exchanges money for something else.
Pidyon Nefesh is a truly remarkable and potent kabbalah prayer. It carries the spiritual strength equivalent to a sacrifice in the Bet Hamikdash, alleviate severe judgments, from the body and mind and soul and other difficulties and obstacles in a person's life.
Rebbe Nachman of Breslev says
that Pidyon Nefesh is the "sweetening", or mitigation of harsh decrees and serves as a salvation from any trouble, for the main cure and solution of sickness is the pidyon (see Likutei Moharan II:3).
One of the greatest ways to nullify harsh decrees and gain greater “mazal” (fortune) for health, livelihood and general success is to conduct a “pideyon nefesh.” The advantage of this method of healing is that it does not target a specific difficulty necessarily but encompasses one’s entire body from head to toe. There were people who conducted a “pideyon nefesh” and later reported that it corrected other even more difficult situations.
The bigger and more pious the tzaddik, the more effective the "pidyon", which literally means "redemption", where one's money is literally a sacrifice for one's body and soul. The pidyon money "redeems" the nefesh, or soul, in other words, "Pidyon Nefesh." This is used when a major salvation is needed, such as in the case of a dangerous illness, a severe court case, or as a rescue from trouble or danger.
Any amount is acceptable, but for a Pidyon to be especially effective, one should give with dedication. One cannot hope for a major salvation without giving to the limits of one’s capability. We might just mention that all the above applies equally to Jew and non-Jew alike.
Any amount is acceptable with a miniumum of 160NIS or $45 or equivalent, but for a Pidyon to be especially effective, one should give with dedication. One cannot hope for a major salvation without giving to the limits of one's capability.

"Donate for "pideyon nefesh
A “pideyon nefesh” is a method of annulling harsh decrees and helping one secure livelihood, fertility, marriage, health and other attainments one desires. The effect of the Rosh Yeshiva’s “pidyon nefesh” is well known to the public. People come from all over Isreal with all sorts of hardships and difficulties and “beli ayin hara” we have witnessed incredible miracles and wonders.
Of course in this letter we can only provide but a few cases out of hundreds of miracles and salvations we have personally observed.
Donate now for “pideyon nefesh”
And you will receive soon,
Joy and health for your soul,
Success and all the best wishes,
Head of the Breslov Yeshiva in Jerusalem,
Pray for you,
And at the Western Wall, the entire yeshiva will pray for your salvation.
1 – Pidyon nefesh for a single person (One-time donation one-time action): 45$
2 – For whole family = Pidyon nefesh + evil eye removel monthly cleaning + With conversation and explanation including good Torah advice for your success and spiritual guidance : 160$
3 – Donate 400$ pidyon nefesh for whole family + prayer at the Western Wall & Tomb of King David Including evil eye removel + on-line (whitin 1-2 days) WhatsApp with Your personal rabbi who will pray whit you online on WhatsApp or send you a video including good Torah advice for your success and spiritual guidance according to Hasidism torah and the secrets of Jewish Kabbalah.
4 – Donate 1800$ for Pidyon nefesh &Full prayer for The whole family for every month for all year prayers Including (According to your request) evil eye & curses or pidyon nefesh + western wall, Breslev yeshiva, mother ruchel toumb, uman – rabbi nachmen from breslev prayer + Kaddish for your loved ones
You can contact us at +972 52-565-2005 through whatsapp for further information.
Payment can be made by PayPal a secure website or by phone!
Pidyon Nefesh – redemption of the soul
by Nachman of Breslov, translated from Hebrew by Wikisource
"Behold, we found this in the handwriting of Rabbeinu, of blessed memory, and it is the heads of paragraphs from the concept of pidyon (see Likutei Moharan 180) with a short prayer at its end, and it is fitting to offer it here." [In later sefarim printings the pidyon is added at the end of Likutei Tefilot Vol. I or in the front of Odesser edition sefarim]:
[The donor who is giving the pidyon money to charity]
puts his hands on the money and says:
Maot,ve et Ha yekom asher be ragleyhem
Tzedek Yikraeo le raglo,Tzedek malchota kadisha,Dina de malchota dina.
Shoresh a dinin bina,Ani bina li gvora,ein a din nimtak ela be shorsho.
Shlosha yadaim ba bina.
Gimel peadmim yad gimatria shem shel Mem Bet.
Mem Bet shebayetzira shem shel ana be koah.
Mem bet shebabria shnei peamim eheye
Mem bet shebaztilot havaia pashot bimloeo u-Milui De Milui.
and then say this little prayer:
"May it be before you (g-d) that the harsh judgement will be cut off from me (Say your name) by the supreme wonder which is complete and simple.
and let all my evil deeds be wiped off so i can start a new. Amen."
And then say this:
"May it be Your Will that the hard decrees and forces should be sweetened off of [Person son of Person] through an exalted wonder, which is great kindnesses and complete simple compassions with no mix of harsh decree at all. Amen."
—–Donate now and redeem your soul ,achieve a new start!—–
Pidyon sweetens harsh decress, and it saves from all afflictions, because healings is mainly via pidyon speficically, because “v’rapo yerapeh/heals completely” [Ex. 21:19] (with 2 added for the words) is gematria of “pidyon Nefesh” (LM 2 #3).
[LM 180 explains one should be careful to not be stingy, so that the dinim (since money is like dinim) should not stay by him, and one needs "extra chochmah" for this, to know how much one needs to give so the dinim do not stay by him.
See elsewhere (LE Pidyon #4) where Rabeinu says one should regularly make a pidyons even if he has no sickness or affliction in his house, so that he should not come to affliction or sickness, God forbid.]
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