English Articles


Freeing the Spirit

Freeing the Spirit Meat is only fit to eat after the nefesh has left it; it is forbidden to destroy and consume the nefesh. Someone that eats eiver min ha’chai, G-d forbid, is actually a murderer… Translated by Rabbi Dov…

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Passover | Pesach

Passover / Pesach is a yearly major Jewish celebration which came about because of the blend and union of various yearly occasions that occurred in Jewish and Middle Eastern history. The accompanying rundown speaks to the verifiable course of events…

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Rabbi Nachman of Breslov

Rabbi Nachman of Breslov A letter regarding the teachings of Rabbi Nachman of Breslov. To every single person in the world, both Jew and non Jew. Rabbi Nachman of Breslov, who lived almost two hundred years ago, revealed that the…

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