
Daily Chizuk

Do i find myself reading Tehillim Psalms?

Do you find yourself reading Psalms? On the subject of saying tehillim, Reb Nachman zt”l spoke with someone and told him that the main thing is to say the Tehillim on oneself, to find oneself in each and every paslm…

קרא עוד...
Daily Chizuk

Tehillim Chapter 1 | Psalms 1

You are invited to read the daily Psalms, Tehillim Chapter 1 | Psalms 1 in English and also in phonetics or Hebrew. On the site there is a complete book of Psalms reading, and studies of faith and the ways…

קרא עוד...
Daily Chizuk

To Find yourself in Every Psalm

find yourself when you pray psalms Remember the essence of your spiritual power and build and bring you closer to God, When you pray Psalms, And you will feel and find yourself with everything you go through in life within…

קרא עוד...