King David's Tomb prayers center

The center of the prayers and the salvation at King David's Tomb
The recitation of all the Psalms every day, and the names of blessing and salvation afterwards.
In Jerusalem, the holy city near the Western Wall is the tomb of King David, the Messiah who will be his seed, and the psalm that is spoken by every Jew and spoken in every distress and distress is written in the spirit of David's sanctity. Is to recite the entire Book of Psalms on his holy grave to every matter and request.
The center of prayers of Breslov Chassidim – took upon itself to take hold of the place in particular, and there are those who want to transfer the place to the "nations of the world." Therefore, it is a great mission and privilege for us and the supporters of the Kollel to strengthen the place in Jewish hold as the tradition of Israel. "He said. (Holy Zohar).
Every day, the important sages finish the entire book of Psalms, study Gemara, Mishnayot, and Breslov Chasidut for Israel, all for the benefit of Am Yisrael and the supporters of the Amuta.
Each name and request is mentioned in a large capidah, with the addition of prayer and personal request. Indeed, many donors see wondrous supervision in stories of salvation.
So raise your contribution and see your salvation!
The center of prayer and salvation
Donate 45$ for the needy in the Holy City of Jerusalem – you will receive one rabbi who will Saying Psalms in King David's Tomb, 1 time, for you and your family, with a prayer for the personal request for your salvation. Donate Now by PayPal for your success and salvation.
Donate $ 160 for the needy in the Holy City of Jerusalem – you will receive one rabbi who will pray the entire book of Psalms for you at King David's Tomb and then your personal prayer and request. Donate Now by PayPal for your success and salvation.
Donate $ 1800 for the needy in the Holy City of Jerusalem – you will receive minion of 10 rabbis who will pray the entire book of Psalms for you including a video on WhatsApp for you at King David's Tomb and then your personal prayer and request. Donate Now by PayPal for your success and salvation.
The public has a call center that receives calls during the day, in which people can pour out their hearts and pass their names to prayer. The names are transferred to one of the five centers where the people of Israel pray and learn.
The centers are located, the Breslov Yeshiva in Jerusalem, the Western Wall, the Zion of King David, the tomb of Rachel our mother, the master – in front of the holy grave of Rabbi Nachman.
Every day, HaMoked receives many requests for guidance and guidance. A trained and responsible staff receives the requests and provides a real-time response in listening and advice. But as believing Jews we know that the main thing is prayer. Therefore, at the end of each conversation, the callers take the names and the requests and send them to the Mikdash HaYeshua prayers: health, livelihood, peace of the house, decent marriage, guard in the army, success in the business.
The important rabbis and yeshiva students mention with great intent the names and requests transmitted to them. Thanks to the guarantees, such as Yissachar and Zevulun, we see great miracles in all areas, and every day additional stories of salvation are added by supporters of the institutions who call us to share good news and share our joy.
Settlement by the Director of the Yeshiva 050-4161022; 051-5505-148,
You can call throughout the day. Phone: Fax: 153-25850667.
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In honor of Bratslav Meir institutions
Salant Street 7 Jerusalem Zip code 95144,
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Or by fax: 153-25850667