Tehillim Psalms 91 | prayer for protection from evil

Psalm 91 in Tehillim is called "Pray Against Evil" or "a song to guard against bad times and troubles".
This (Psalms 91) is a prayer for protection from evil. said as a virtue against witchcraft and the evil eye and other troubles and evil demons.
Say it several times for a few minutes, then ask and pray to one & only God "hashem" for all the troubles that you as a person or your friend thet you praying for him.
Tehillim – Psalms 91 – prayer for protection from evil
1. He who dwells in the covert of the Most High will lodge in the shadow of the Almighty.
2. I shall say of the Lord [that He is] my shelter and my fortress, my God in Whom I trust.
3. For He will save you from the snare that traps from the devastating pestilence.
4. With His wing He will cover you, and under His wings you will take refuge; His truth is an encompassing shield.
5. You will not fear the fright of night, the arrow that flies by day;
6. Pestilence that prowls in darkness, destruction that ravages at noon.
7. A thousand will be stationed at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand; but it will not approach you.
8. You will but gaze with your eyes, and you will see the annihilation of the wicked.
9. For you [said], "The Lord is my refuge"; the Most High you made your dwelling.
10. No harm will befall you, nor will a plague draw near to your tent.
11. For He will command His angels on your behalf to guard you in all your ways.
12. On [their] hands they will bear you, lest your foot stumble on a stone.
13. On a young lion and a cobra you will tread; you will trample the young lion and the serpent.
14. For he yearns for Me, and I shall rescue him; I shall fortify him because he knows My name.
15. He will call Me and I shall answer him; I am with him in distress; I shall rescue him and I shall honor him.
16. With length of days I shall satiate him, and I shall show him My salvation.
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Donate now for “EVIL EYE REMOVEL”
I will make for you evil eye curses or corona removel & Breslov Yeshiva in Jerusalem Pray for you,
at the Western Wall, the entire yeshiva will pray for your salvation.1 – Evil eye removel for a single person A One-time donation A one-time action: 45$
2 – Evil eye removel for the whole family: 160$
3 – Evil eye removel + Prayer and blessing At the Western Wall and King David tomb on your WhatsApp within 1-2 days: 400$
4 – Evil eye removel for the whole family for a full year + western wall prayers + with cleansing of evil eye every month for a year: 1800$
You can contact us at +972 52-565-2005 through whatsapp for further information.
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Jewish pidyon nefesh
This in Itself
Those who want to be righteous people and want to start serving Hashem,
and then they have huge obstacles and major confusions,
and they don't know what to do with themselves due to the obstacles and confusions they face,
and whatever they want to do to serve Hashem is very difficult for them to do properly,you should know, that just the fact they're putting in effort and are eager to do something to serve Hashem,
to sanctify themselves with some holiness, even though they can't finish it off properly, this in itself that they're trying and are completely eager for it, is considered a sacrifice,
in the aspect of what it says: "For Your sake we were ready to die all day long, we're counted as sheep ready for slaughtering".(Sichos HaRan, 12)