Prayer to break curses | prayer against curses

Prayer to break curses Break the cycle of bad luck and protect yourself by prayer to remove curse & evil eye. Shield yourself from the evils of the world with our powerful prayer against curses.

Prayer to break curses

I'm (person praying will say his name) who prays and begs for mercy,
to act and influence with the Most High and the Merciful power of you – the God of the world, creator of the universe, a single God above all the forces of nature and the universe, you are who give and influence all the forces and in nature,

Good Lord who created everything by your holy name, to reveal your kingdom in your world,

Please broken and void womb like bridal smoke with no trace and smell of form, the curses and witchcraft and the evil eye and all kinds of energies and spells that have been cast on
(Here you must say the name of the curse person and the name of his father and mother and the family)

Because he has already suffered a lot of whispers from people who want to have a bad influence and harm people without injustice. (And also that the evil will not prevail and that it will not be active and destroy and spoil, and harm his wife, children and others close to him…)

And even if he sinned against others who cursed him or bewitched him, etc. – the judgment is for God alone, and only you are the master and judge of souls and the entire creation – the judgment is only for you, and you judge and judge with truth and mercy and know the mistakes and thoughts that confuse and mislead the reason to commit sins and bad deeds, and You judge the laws with mercy so that the people of the world may live and believe in you.

prayer against curses

Please and the power of your names of mercy God of Noah, Avraham, Isaac and Jacob, King David, God of tzadikkim and Rabbi Nachman of Breslav and all Rabbis of truth, Promulgate the true faith in your holy name and pass it generation to generation, I believe only in you and in your miracles that you have done with people who want to reveal your kingdom through the holy Torah and mitzvot the act of kindness and charity,

I cancel myself to your will, please have mercy and cancel above (the name of the person and the name of his father and mother to the family) that we can cancel idolatry and idols, evil forces that come from people with bad desires to hide and hide and hide your holy, innocent and true faith that you gave to Moses the great rabbi who transcended all evil and gave Torah and good laws to worship with them the only God.

And as David the king of Israel sang and said praise, in all the psalms praise your great name and curse those who hide the true faith, and engage in sorcery and the evil eye and other evil influences in the world for their name and self-respect.

Please, with the power of prayer, I ask for mercy to cancel the witchcraft / curse / evil eye / and the rest of voodoo / nazar / and any other evil according to the Torah and the secrets of Kabbalah, which I do not understand how it works, I only believe in you and tzhadikkim and true rabbis, so that we can truly thank and praise you And your greatness that you and only you are the ruler of your world in nature, because you have the power to influence the creatures you created.

After you say the prayer to remove curse & prayer against curses you can also say the following prayer

we will make for you evil eye removal curses protecion & Breslove Yeshiva in Jerusalem pray for your salvation.

1- Evil eye cleansing & curse removal = 45$

A simple process, without deciphering the problem.

for a single person A One-time donation A one-time action.

2 – Prayer to break curses + Evil eye protecion = 160$

(One-time donation) For monthly cleaning, every week.

+ With conversation and explanation from breslove Rebbe.

3 – Full removal & protecion from Curses + Evil eye = 400$

full cleaning & protecion (for your whole family).

+ With conversation and explanation from breslove Rebbe.

+ 1 time online whatsApp within 1-2 days, Prayer and blessing at the:

The Western Wall

or King David toumb

or Mother Rachel Tomb

+ Amulet protection from the evil eye & evil eye & cancel witchcraft or curse or any evil spirit – make alone for yourself or family!

+ A collection of useful prayers for the amulet

4 – Full cleansing from evil eye & curse & witchcraft = 1800$

All Inclusive

+ A personalized amulet according to your needs of for your home or work written by the head of rabbe nahman yeshiva in Jerusalem!

+ Pidyon Nefesh = for all year, for the whole family.

+ Cleansing the evil eye spells = permanent for all year, and the whole family.

+ personal guidance.

You can contact us at +972 52-565-2005 through whatsapp for further information.

Payment by PayPal

Do not let the curse and the evil eye affect you! As time goes by the disease that makes the curse more effective!

In many cultures, eye contact with jealous intent is said to bring disaster and bad luck. Protect yourself and your loved ones with protection against the evil eye + the evil eye prayer. Our prayer will help you and your family to keep away the negative energy evil eyes and curse that you have.

You will also receive a thorough examination of what you have and advice from a rabbi according to the secrets of Kabbalah

Forget the worry and anxiety that comes from fear and curses. With our protection from the evil eye, you will receive prayers and spiritual power that infuse positive energy into your life, cancel the curses and spells above you and give you peace and security in your thoughts and soul.

Protect yourself and your loved ones with the removal of the evil eye and protection from the evil eye – get your prayer and spiritual cleansing today!

Donate by Paypal – evil eye cleansing & curses removal with lead

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