pesach greeting "chag pesach sameach" jewish passover greeting

on this blog you will find pesach greeting "chag pesach sameach" jewish passover greeting & prayer & wishes for happy passover.
pesach greeting / greeting for passover
the best Happy Passover Greetings prayers and Wishes To to share or Send to Friends & Family for Pesach.
Passover is a good time to acknowledge the significance of family and friends, and to express gratitude for your freedom.
Steeped in tradition, the celebration of Passover heralds deliverance and blessings.
Whether you’re Jewish yourself, or simply want to wish someone who is a happy Passover, having the right words to mark the occasion is important.
What is the purpose and what is the right blessing to send for Passover?
First of all, it all depends on what language you want to send the blessings and wishes, and how religious and observant the person to whom you are sending your blessings is.
For example, if you'd like to send with English "happy Passover" is a normal and accepted greeting that everyone wishes.
For those who keep their home kosher for pesach (cleaning and removing all chametz & grains with leavening agents, from their residence in advance), you can wish someone a "kosher & happy pesach holiday". in Hebrew it would be "chag Pesach kasher vesame'ach."
Happy Passover greetings and wishes (some in Hebrew) that'll help make this holiday extra sweet and cosher !
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passover prayers in english & Hebrew
- Happy Passover / Happy pesach !
- Chag Sameach or Chag "Pesach" Sameach = (happy holyday).
- Happy Pesach to you and your family.
- (Hebrew) Chag Pesach kasher vesame’ach!
- (Yiddish) Zissen Pesach!
- may you find the afikoman.., Amen (not only For children!!!)
- Gut yom tov! (=good holiday in Hebrew)
- (Yiddish) A koshern un freilichen Pesach!
- Wishing you a kosher and joyful Passover.
- Happy Passover to you and your family!
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- Wishing you peace on Passover.
- I hope you have a prosperous Passover surrounded by loved ones.
- Happy Passover from my family to yours!
- Wishing you a happy spring and a blessing thet Pesach will bring, amen!
- I hope the arrival of Passover and of spring brings you new energy and inspiration!
- I am grateful for my many blessings from "Hashem", sending Melan especially for your Pesach!
- I’m grateful for your presence in my life on Passover and always!
- Chag Sameach! Wishing you every blessing.
- Wishing you a life filled with joy and love, happy Passover!
- Let's celebrate and be full of thanks and gratitude to God that he gave us freedom on Passover.
- I wish you a perfect Seder night with your family and all your friends, drink 4 glasses of good wine, say the Haggadah aloud and sing, joyfully say thanks to God, the Lord of everything, who brought our ancestors and us to freedom to be his nation of believers who pray to his holy name.
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- You will go over all bad thoughts and relationships, and thus you will go to freedom on the holiday of freedom – Passover.
- May happiness be your companion this Passover for the whole year, Amen.
- May you enjoy the Passover tradition, the family meal, the singing, the prayer, the 4 glasses of wine, the matzoh of the mitzvah, the sleep and all the wonderful holidays of the spring season.
- Let's celebrate Passover together and honor our history!
Let's be happy in life and in freedom this Passover! - cleaned, cleanliness
- Keep your home clean from hametz, and your heart free and clean from sorrow and worries and sadness this Pesach – because this is the holiday of freedom, a holiday of joy and faith and good thoughts – just look to see good things in other people and in yourself, to Hashem give praise and glory, and from there more and more blessings will come to you.
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- Passover is a special time of the year; May you be full of symbolism!
- Let us rejoice for life and freedom this Passover!
- Treasure your family and friends on Passover—Chag Sameach!
- May Passover be an auspicious sign of a great life a head for you!
- May you remember the story of Passover and the meaning of freedom in listening to the Haggadah.
- A sweet Passover to all of you – may you find the afikomen, and receive lots of gifts!
- May your Passover celebration be full of importance, love and joy. I wish you to educate this Passover. Sweet Passover! May happiness always be a guest in your home. Amen.
- This holiday falls on the date of a full moon – I can't wait to celebrate Passover with you again soon!
- Let's honor our Jewish history by holding the Seder with blessings and prayers of Passover.
- I wish you all prosperity and abundance in your livelihood for shopping for the holiday, joy and peace on the holiday of redemption, peace and contentment soon in the souls of the whole family – Happy and health pesach.
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- Without fighting – only love and light – for you on Passover and always in all ways!
- I am grateful for my many blessings this Passover—most especially, for you!
- Let’s celebrate the freedom of Passover together and honor our history!
- I hope you can join my family for the Passover Seder this year—thinking of you, you’re in my heart!
- Wishing you kindness no sadness on this pesach holiday.
- Delight in the celebration and traditions of Passo ver this year.