Psalm 23

Psalm 23 (+virtue for success) is capable of earning a good living,
And for those who constantly feel a disadvantage,
something is missing, not feeling satisfied and full.
Both in material life such as feeling dissatisfied in social relationships,
Or blockages and lack of livelihood for example,
And both spiritual shortcomings all of these are derived from the seven years of famine that were in the land of Egypt when the people of Israel were there in exile,
nowadays we have the same famine,the famine is caused by false leaders,false shepherds,but only a true leader,
a true shepherd can give the power and fill your soul and spirit and lead you to success.
This psalm 23 is said when a soul needs to strengthen and continue confidence and faith by "Hashem".
A virtue to pray the psalm Psalm 23 to satisfy his soul and feelings.
It is good to say the psalm chapter 23 – before eating, and saying it, he will always have food and livelihood, and will also heal his soul.
How to open successful path in business and work?
Gain money and livelihood without sorrow and quarrels and without debts?
Take 57 coins no matter what the value of the coin.
And recite Psalms chapter 23 which has 57 words according to what is written in the Torah of Israel.
And before every word he says, set aside for charity, one coin, which is in gematria "zan" = 57,
Before Psalm 23 Say this short prayer from Kabbalah + virtue for success :
"Open your hands and satisfy every living thing",
"God please fill our hands with your blessings from the richness of the gifts of your hands,"
"Because you feed and provide for all".
And take the 57 coins and give to charity the students of the Torah and those who walk the path of God.
Why 57 coins?
In the language of the Torah, there are 57 words in this psalm,
And according to the Kabbalah, every time a word is said, one coin should be given to charity,
And it is a miraculous and mystical thing by which God will receive our prayers.
Psalm 23
1 A song of David. The Lord is my shepherd; I will not have losses.
2 With him i will be resting on green pastures; He leads me beside still waters.
3 He restores my soul; He leads me in paths of righteousness for His name's sake.
4 Even when I walk in the valley of darkness, I will fear no evil for You are with me; on you i lean and Your staff comforts me.
5 You set a table before me in the presence of my adversaries; You anointed my head with oil; my cup overflows.
6 May only goodness and kindness pursue me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for length of days.
Phonetic translation of Psalm 23
from the Holy Language of the Torah in English
Mizmor le-david, "Adonai" roí lo echsar.
Binneot déshe iarbitsêni, al mê menuchot ienahalêni.
Nafshi iyeshovev, ianchêni behmaguelê tsédek lemáan shemo.
Gam ki elech beguy tsalmávet, lo ira ra ki ata imadi, shivtechá umish’antêcha hêma ienachamúni.
Taaroch lefanai shulchan négued tsorerai, dishanta vashemen roshí, cossí revaiá.
Ach tov vachéssed yirdefúni col iemê chaiai, veshavti bevet Adonai leórech iamim.
Psalm 23 – translation according to Breslav Hasidim according to the "Kabbalah" and the ways of Hasidisdot.
A psalm composed by King David,
ADONAI (Holy Name of Mercy) who leads me, like a shepherd who leads his flock,
I am sure of your goodness and great mercy that I will never have a lack of anything material or spiritual.
For surely instead of grass you will lay me down to rest (as a faithful shepherd does with his flock).
On lakes full of water that stand peacefully in their place,
And streams that flow slowly,
and clear to drink,
In a place and ways like that – I believe you will lead me.
God my soul yeshovev – (will lead my life – at ease slowly and calmly as my mind and faith, by the Torah is protected from all evil and will keep me from all kinds of troubles).
In straight and sure ways for the sake of his name to be known in the world that he is a faithful and merciful shepherd to all the shelters and hiding under his hands in true faith in the power of one god alone.
Even when I and every person walk in a place and in days of narrow darkness and danger, I will not be afraid that something bad will happen to me, because you stand with me in difficult times that I go through.
The rod of torment (punishments) in which you strike me, like a shepherd who strikes his beasts running away from the track, he strikes them so that they return to the path in the right direction he wants,
This is how you sometimes hit and punish me, so that I can change my mind, stop thinking bad thoughts, and start thinking better, and in ways you want them to and know they are better for me.
All these are my backbone that you support me and do not leave me, that I will not flee to bad places, therefore I believe in you that you do and will do everything for my eternal good, so that I may stay with you and not leave faith in you.
Arrange a table full of the wealth and honor of kings before my eyes, against the will of those who hate and persecute me, and those who envy me, because you have already anointed (this is what King David said –
And so every man should give thanks for all the good he has already received from God, filled) and put over my head and also within my soul, blessing and success, like a glass full of good wine, until as if out of abundance the glass was spilled and dripped out.
Therefore I will ask for the future that only goodness and kindness will pursue me and attain me without my effort to pursue them, and from now on I will have the privilege of sitting in the ADONAI house and worshiping you in songs and hymns and thanksgiving for many years in the Temple in the Land of Israel,
Together with all the Jews who pray to helohim.
A short prayer after Psalm 23
Full of mercy, I truly sacrifice to you and I am privileged to walk before you in the ways of good and honest people, people of truth.
Please, help me turn from evil to perfect good.
Give me a really warm heart for you.
Purify me for true and eternal good,
May I enjoy the life of the next world from the eternal good.
Erect on the rock Assyrian drive feet,
May I have the privilege of being forever and ever in your work and in your teaching and in your reverence truly and wholeheartedly.
"Building grass will make me rest on whom rests will manage me.
My soul shall rejoice, I will rest in the circles of justice for his name's sake, "
And may I draw near to the true and innocent righteous and honest in their hearts truly,
And give us in your mercy a true leader a faithful shepherd,
Like Moshe Rabbeinu, peace be upon him, Raya Mahimna,
Which will carry us like "when the caretaker carries the newborn",
Until we are brought into holiness and repentance,
And may our souls be filled with your goodness to thank your name always,
May we all be privileged to completely break down the cravings for eating and drinking that is food for the body, and to increase and strengthen the eating of the soul which is a good smell of true reverence.
And all our eating and drinking shall be in holiness and great purity in the food of Daneshmata,
As it is written: "A righteous man eats to the satisfaction of his soul."
And we will always be happy in our part and satisfy our souls from the good points and graces we have,
And we will be privileged to ascend and go and ascend in your work and your commandments are always wholeheartedly happy and full of your awe to do and observe for your name. Amen and amen.
Donate with a merciful heart and open hands to give with joy – to the poor that rabbi Amiel support through my charity Institutions for hot meals in the Holy City of Jerusalem.
And Rebbi Amiel will be your Private prayer for you in the holy places and give you many more spiritual advice and wonderful prayers that will surely bring you closer to God and He will hear your prayers and answer you from heaven with mercy,Amen and Amen.